Monday, August 23, 2010

Is using the Beacon cheating?

Some folks have asked if it is legitimate, not cheating, using the beacon to access alternate realities, worlds, states and selves. While it is not like a drug where you have little choice once you ingested the substance as to something happening - it is still an artificial means by which to experience non-ordinary states and events.

A few thoughts on this:

1- if someone is so totally stuck in thinking and believing this here,  things human ordinary senses can see, hear and touch, is the only "real" reality or the only one they have access to, pretty much any means that work to help him/her get out out that conviction is valid, provided consent is given....but that is an aside.

2- I ask you then: what are means like these, if not aids to access altered states or tools used on the spiritual path: safu cushions, candles, scents, meditation  music, other types of music, books, hemi-sync, any therapy dealing with trans-personal, sex as yoga, listening to spiritual masters or mediums, prayer,practice of  gazing into a loved one's eyes for a long time, of tai chi or any energetics....and so on. ....are not then any and all tools used for the purpose of spiritual growth or awakening to be considered cheating?
Why would you get the idea that using quantum crystal radio devices is cheating - but all these other tools are not? Because they work and without much effort, other than to get yourself to use one of them, find yourself in deep relaxed states and altered perception and a changed life stream?

In this age of accelerated time and awakening as well as necessity for this planet, if we are to preserve this environment for humans to serve G-D,  for G-D to experience Self as human incarnation, you need things that work on a different level, and they are appearing for those who need them.

These Crystal radio devices do have 1 big advantage: you do not need functioning electricity  for it. Even if you want to listen to the induction and you ran out of batteries in a no electric available situation: someone can read them to you...and after a while you will won't need them at all.

To be in the world, but not of it - does not happen all by itself.

Your Being is meant to voyage throughout the labyrinth. Question is: how much can you hold and still function here?


  1. I really like the content of this page .. the flow of it .. the ' logic ' of it ... the non-argumentative mood of it ... and am one with the idea that if it works, don't try to fix it ... so what if I go ' down ' into theta quickly, smoothly with some ' non-invasive' aid ... also like it that the device is not reliant on a wall plug power point

  2. I think the greatest advantage is, it's not "Radionics"! Radionics requires a bit of psychic skill and the test of the matter is, does one have those type skills, I'd say not! Whereas; this super beacon is a "Real" Crystal Radio Receiver! What it does even E.J. can only theorize! I used it ten years ago and now I am going to purchase one for myself late this year or early next spring.

    I know what it is capable of doing! But there are many people who have no idea what they are going to experience using this device! I will say with experience with the SuperBeacon, Don't Rush it! It will come without your interference while using the SuperBeacon.

    One might also consider that one day E.J. Gold may not always be around or he may just stop building these devices in the future...One never knows for sure! This is yet another reason I would purchase this device from E.J. Gold it could someday be a collectors item!

  3. I am not sure if this answers this question and EJ probably you maybe looking for the anonymous writer of this site I hope! My opinion, when I owned the SuperBeacon I aided every so often the 5 minute regimen with my Dream Leaf and it helped me to become aware or Lucid in the mid-morning hours! So when the SuperBeacon's training kicked in my mind was already consciously aware as my body was asleep. So yes, non-evasive supplements or techniques would only aid the SuperBeacon practitioner but not required in the least.
