Friday, February 15, 2013

Blessings Amulet - New Crystal Quantum Amulet from Brane-Power

Brane-Power introduces the  Blessings Amulet 

.... and this brand new Crystal Quantum Amulet is on sale now - February 2013.

The Blessings amulet carries with it Blessings for everyone in its sphere of influence. To bless, or to bestow blessings is to call upon someone  divine grace, bestow a measure of sacredness, joy, happiness, good fortune and wellbeing.   The Blessings amulet facilitates  kind-heartedness, sincerity, selflessness, love, divine service,  humility, a calm  inner sanctum,  clarity, presence and  peace.  This amulet helps you to be in the space where genuine blessing baraka is emanating from you and can be bestowed. The act of blessing is each and everyone's birthright and blessing is something you do for another or others.  For anyone who would like to do this service, this is a wonderful and very powerful amulet. You don't have to be ordained or ask permission to bless someone, something or a situation and the repeated acts of blessing will help you develop your soul.

This is an amazing CQR amulet.

Many Blessings to you, your family and all the Beings in the Quantum Universe.

You may also find a number of Prosperity Path Orbs very helpful in that regard, especially the Blessings Orb, which by its nature will help you to actually bestow Blessings to someone in need.

Go check out Brane-Power or call 530-271-2239. or you can also use the  Brane-Power contact page

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