Thursday, September 9, 2010

Love Power Amulet - Quantum Meditation

NEW and coming - Beaconwork in Spanish
MUST SEE Love Love Love :) Special Holiday Offer
CQR™  – Crystal Quantum Radio™  can work for everyone. 
These Amulets use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.  
Read reviews on and 

Love Power Amulet
set in a Sterling Silver coin-edged dollar-size bezel

Love Power amulet to tap into your capacity for real love. As the name suggests, this amulet is intended to bring love into your life, whether it be generally with all you encounter, in relationships or through tantra, down into your body or in subtle deep feelings. It facilitates heart opening and all that that entails. Increases love, compassion, empathy, connection to the divine love, radiant inner beauty.   It is also very good for healers. It has been described as subtle, strong and supportive.

"I feel that the Love Amulet has actually opened my heart." — C.G., Montreal

We asked Lorraine, one of our distributors in Vancouver, Canada, how it is that she sells so many Love Power Amulets. Her response was, "People want more love in their life...the customer said that she felt that she was back in her heart centre and feeling like her true self, felt as though she had an energy around her that blocked out the other stuff.” —  Lorraine, Vancouver, BC

"Believe it or not, the day after I got my Love Amulet, I met my soulmate." — J.J., Woodstock, NY

CQR™ Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets are NOT Medical Devices.
The CQR™ – Crystal Quantum Radio™ is not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment, of any disease. It is an Alpha-Theta focusing reinforcement, meditation-assisting aid for spiritual astral travel and expansion of consciousness into the realm of Spirit. No voltage of any kind is delivered to the body through the use of this device. Psychic sensitives are advised to proceed slowly as the spiritual effect may be surprisingly potent.

Portal Shamanic Quantum Amulet

CQR™  – Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more. Read reviews on and 

Portal Amulet
set in a Sterling Silver coin-edged dollar-size bezel

This amulet is very useful in shamanic voyaging. As the name indicates, it opens portals, especially into bardo-spaces, parallel worlds, paranormal activities, facilitates astral projection, voyaging, UFO contact and soul retrieval. As verified by an experienced shaman, the doors that open are indeed portals into other world realities.
    The amulet provides protection and psychic self-defense. It facilitates connection with higher intelligence, higher beings as well as guides, guardians and good habits.

“This is an incredible creation . . . I felt it right away. The Portal Amulet easily opens portals to other dimensions. It is especially useful for Shamanic Voyaging.” — Koyote, Riverside, CA

CQR™ Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets are NOT Medical Devices.
    The CQR™ – Crystal Quantum Radio™ is not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment, of any disease. It is an Alpha-Theta focusing reinforcement, meditation-assisting aid for spiritual astral travel and expansion of consciousness into the realm of Spirit. No voltage of any kind is delivered to the body through the use of this device. Psychic sensitives are advised to proceed slowly as the spiritual effect may be surprisingly potent.

Prosperity Amulet - Crystal Quantum Amulet

CQR™  – Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more. Read reviews on and

Prosperity Amulet
set in a Sterling Silver coin-edged dollar-size bezel

    Testimonials abound for the profound effect this amulet has. It combines opening to happiness, optimism, prosperity, theta enhancement, wellness and very balanced effects of opening to higher energies and “prosperously” manifesting in this world. It can be used in dowsing also.

    The concept of "Prosperity" in antiquity and today, in many cultures, did not automatically mean personal wealth. It was more indicative of a condition of well-being and richness of life, and was meant in the sense of fullness of spirit and completeness as a being.

    When referring to a person, prosperity means "successful", "flourishing" or "thriving". Only in relation to a country does it mean "booming economy". The Prosperity Amulet combined with the Prosperity Path Affirmation Induction is a good way to bring yourself into the state of mind where prosperity is an open possibility for you.

CQR™ Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets are NOT Medical Devices.

    The CQR™ – Crystal Quantum Radio™ is not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment, of any disease. It is an Alpha-Theta focusing reinforcement, meditation-assisting aid for spiritual astral travel and expansion of consciousness into the realm of Spirit. No voltage of any kind is delivered to the body through the use of this device. Psychic sensitives are advised to proceed slowly as the spiritual effect may be surprisingly potent.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Peace Crystal Quantum Amulet

set in a Sterling Silver quarter-size bezel 

   Small and powerful, it especially aids in the creation of an all-around loving, compassionate, peaceful state. One of the few amulets which combines happiness and optimism as well as gratitude.
    Wear it and create the vibration of peace within you and  all around you. If radiating those qualities is something you are working with, this is a good choice.

Some of the attributes for this amulet include:
Act of kindness,  All-encompassing,  All one, Anger management, Aura enhancement, Awakening,  Bardos,  Being,  Beingness, Beta-Blocker, Communication, Compassion, Confidence,  Consciousness,  Empathy,  Energetic,  Energize,  Enlightenment, Face of God, Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, God is one,  Grace of God, Gratitude, Guardian,  Happiness,  Hope, Humble, Inner radiance, Love, Optimism,  Overcoming fear, Peace,  Positive,  Presence,  Protection,  Right action, Secure, Understanding, Universal, Wisdom.

Please keep in mind that we cannot list all attributes and effects that can possibly happen as a result of this kind of opening. Contact us at 530-271-2239 or if you need any help choosing the best amulet for you at this time, we'll be happy to assist you.

CQR™ Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulets are NOT Medical Devices.

    The CQR™ – Crystal Quantum Radio™ is not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment, of any disease. It is an Alpha-Theta focusing reinforcement, meditation-assisting aid for spiritual astral travel and expansion of consciousness into the realm of Spirit. No voltage of any kind is delivered to the body through the use of this device. Psychic sensitives are advised to proceed slowly as the spiritual effect may be surprisingly potent.