Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Master Builder Amulet - Crystal Quantum Radio Device

New from Brane-Power in December 2013 - The Master Builder Amulet

This amulet was especially designed by E.J. Gold to aid in the process of becoming a Master Builder.
Master Building is a multilayer, multidimensional skill requiring many skills - attention, presence, ability to cooperate (from being able to follow instructions precisely to bringing together a group to work on a project the requires a team), proper movement, vision, number stacking, geometry, or, in short, knowledge of how to use the needed tools in whatever you are building - to completion on a masterful level - be it  objects, a tiny house, a palace, sculptures, jewelry,  a garden, a family, an angel or invocational space - all the way to building, running and maintaining a world. It requires skill to be part of a group, from integration of Self to bringing individuals together to work as a group through it's stages of chaos into  alignment - allowing the expression and abilities of each in service of the needs of a greater whole. This amulet also facilitates connection with Amenhotep - a prolific builder in ancient Egypt - with alien origin. 

Use this amulet to tune into the Master Builder - it is of course YOU and you are trying to encourage your presence and getting radiation exposure and quantum entanglement galore - pulling you through into the avatar status - you are getting that tug, you want to feel that tug. The more you work in the ashram, the better that forward motion with accelerate - you got to get way above the speed of light.

Please contact Brane-Power at 530-271-2239 or through their contact form for more information. In association, there is a Master Builder's course offered starting in December 2013 also.
For the course, you will need: The The Secrit Lab and the Carpet Layout.
First learn how to move, organize your settings and view so when you start building, you'll see things properly. You will need inventory management. Get things out of there that don't belong there and won;t serve you - which are probably way more that you know. You will need to know where things go that you take in in various ways.
As with the tools E.J. Gold makes available, they are never "just" about the ordinary physical world - or in this case, building. As above, so below - and the image of a thing is like the thing itself.
You can also use the contact form on yoyodyne industries

"This is my 10 cycle - base capacitance, calculate where you're at and match with your fixed - when you know what frequency


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